Wednesday, September 11, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.Organic chemistry professor Kjirsten Wayman will tell us how the floral scents of western sessile-flowered Trillium differ by species, and how floral scent can help to distinguish among visually similar members of this group. These plants have sweet, fruity, or spicy-smelling flowers and occur in California, Oregon, and Washington. Attend at the D Street Neighborhood Center, 1301 (where 13th Street crosses) D Street, Arcata. Used Botanical Book Sale, refreshments, and socializing to commence at 7:00, meeting and lecture at 7:30, or join on Zoom. Notice the ALTERNATE LOCATION FOR SEPTEMBER PROGRAM; we’ll be back to the usual Masonic Lodge starting in October. Evening programs are the second Wednesday of the month, except for Summer Break.